Who We Are
What is Sufism?
Some say that Sufis have been around since the beginning of time. Over the years, Sufism became known as the mystical path of Islam, a spiritual path whose goal is a direct knowledge of God. The aim of Sufism is to purify the self, the heart, and the soul to come into Union with God.
The Sufi way supports you to live inTruth as part of the world; with your family, in your job, through acts of kindness and caring and through helping anyone who needs help…to see the Truth inside everything. In this way everything becomes a prayer, whether cooking dinner, playing with your child, mowing the grass, talking to a business associate or sitting quietly in contemplation.
To follow the Sufi path does not require you to leave your current spiritual path or to follow any specific religious tradition, including Islam. Our members come from many different spiritual and religious traditions – or no specific tradition at all. We at Sufi Center Minnesota follow the Shadhiliyya Sufi tradition, which is known as a path of healing and direct connection with the One.
“The key is with you, in your heart, to open the door of the Light of God. This door is open for you to come and see you are one family without separation. This is the message of the Sufi way. One God, one people, all brothers and sisters, one message. Welcome for you to say you are ready to learn and know who you are. You carry everything inside your heart that you need. You are a holy jewel. Come to know the message of love and peace and mercy and justice and freedom.”
~ Sidi al-Jamal
Sufi Center Minnesota
Since 1998, Sufi Center Minnesota has helped thousands of people connect deeply to and maintain connection with their Divine and authentic selves. Our teachers come from diverse backgrounds and include therapists, healers, educators, bodyworkers, and business leaders. Many hold a Master of Divinity degree and Master Healer Certifications. All of our teachers have spent years learning and integrating sacred principles and practices into their daily lives. This living commitment makes it possible for us to support each individual in ways that are both compassionate and practical.
We open our hearts to people from all walks of life. No matter your own path, whether you come to us to taste what we offer and then return to a home community, or if you decide that we are part of your home community, we want you to know that you can carry this love in every moment.
“Beloved, know in whose presence you sit; know who whispers these words into the ear of your heart. If you hear me, know me; if you would know me, you must enter…With what voice shall I call you but the voice of your own quest?”
~ Sidi al-Jamal
Our Guide
For millennia each Sufi order had a spiritual teacher and leader known as a ‘Guide.’ The Guide is a person recognized by the community for the depth of their wisdom, compassion and love. Sidi Shaykh Muhammad al-Jamal was the Guide of the Shadhiliyya Sufi Order. Sidi was a descendent of the Prophet Muhammad. He was born in Tulkum, Palestine in 1935. He restored the 1000 year old Sufi Council in the Holy Land and served as Head of that Council in Jerusalem and the Holy Land. He was a teacher and central figure at the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem for many years with many people seeking his guidance and counsel.
He made monthly journeys all over the Holy Land to help the poor and make sure that everyone had food and clothing. There were always lines of people at his home and at his office because they knew that they could find real help from him. The Shaykh was not a teacher for a few following a spiritual path but opened his heart to help everyone from any country or nationality and he helped people from all over the world. This real beloved of God worked for all those who are suffering and who need food and clothes in this world. He was a leader who helped to keep peace no matter what the cost and who served humanity without prejudice.
For years students would travel to Jerusalem to live and study with him. Beginning in 1993 Sidi would travel and visit other countries in order to give teachings to all those in every part of the world who were sincerely seeking for the truth of their existence, the meaning of their life, and to heal their wounds.
Sidi passed from this world to rest with his beloved Allah in 2015.
How to Become a Member of Sufi Center Minnesota
We define a community member of Sufi Center Minnesota as:
- Anyone who has taken the Sufi Promise (bayat) and has expressed a positive interest to be a member of our community and commit to our community’s purpose and values OR
- Anyone who has not taken the Sufi Promise (bayat) but has expressed a positive interest to be a member of our community, live by the Sufi values of peace, love, mercy, justice, freedom and beauty – and commit to our community purpose and values.
If you would like to become a member of our community please contact us at: info@suficentermn.org or 612-414-3317 and we will help you join and connect with your brothers and sisters.
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