Our Approach

Our Approach

The heart of our community is based on the belief that nobody needs to be fixed. You are perfect just the way you are.

Our community is based upon principles that are universal to many spiritual traditions.

The Sufi path focuses on the deep path of the heart.

The five principles of our community are:

Awareness of a direct experience of the One

Becoming aware of and establishing a regular and consistent connection to the Oneness that you know is true. This is different from unquestioning faith. The more you experience love and peace, the more it becomes an anchor, helping you develop trust, even when you are not experiencing love or peace in the moment. You still remember that it’s there and you move toward it.


Developing regular practices that help you remember and sustain your connection. Practices help your heart deepen so that you can more easily connect. This can help your body and the neural pathways in your brain reset and rest, allowing the pathway to your heart become so familiar that you more easily fall into connection with Oneness. Regular practices are not done “just because” — we do them because they have a real and deep effect on us.


Clearing out whatever disrupts that vital connection, as life’s circumstances arise. Sometimes we carry pain or wounds deep inside us from earlier in life. Sometimes we are so triggered by what is happening in the present that we “lose it.” Healing work can clear this out and help you return more easily to the flow, love, and peace that is always available to you.


Being of service, which includes witnessing the goodness in others and holding their hearts. When you decide to be of service, you are connecting with the universe on a level that is larger than you. This can help bring meaning to your existence that you don’t experience when you live for yourself alone. It can help open the doors and sustain the real, deep and abiding joy that is already within you.


Connecting with a community that can help return us to love. We all need help. It’s true that people can be an irritation, but they are also a source of solace. It is much easier to return to love, joy and ease when others are helping us.

When you bring together these five elements over time and with ongoing support, you will begin to experience how much easier it is to establish a connection to love, joy and ease. — to strengthen it and to return to it more easily no matter what’s going on in your life.

The Sufi way offers something different from unquestioning faith. The more you experience love and peace, the more it becomes an anchor, helping you develop trust even when you are not experiencing love or peace in the moment. You still remember that it’s there, and you move toward it.

Our community is based on living these five principles, and on helping each other to live — and thrive — in this love.

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