Video: True Rest

with Salima Linda Sanford

Video: True Rest

with Salima Linda Sanford

Finding rest for our bodies and our spirits seems particularly important in the season of holiday and family, but also in the season of global discord. Where and how can we find true rest? What helpful gems can be gathered from Sidi’s teachings? This is explored in this teaching about True Rest.

Salima holds a Masters of Divinity degree from the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism. She has been certified as a Master Healer from

Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe, and continues to support his work in healing and teaching.

Salima is a leader and teacher in her local Sufi community, and is dedicated to holding hearts in the wider community through workshops, healings, and shar ed studies. She continues to be a passionate student of Sufism, particularly focused on the writings of our beloved guide Sidi.

Salima has been translated as “river of peace”; it is a quality she carries in her teaching and healing.


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